Our Products
The RotaHuggerTM is a strap that allows for positioning a child's limbs in the appropriate alignment. This is achieved by wrapping the strap snugly to create rotation where it is needed. Once the RotaHuggerTM is positioned properly, the child can move in a more efficient and natural manner. Exercise practice using the RotaHuggerTM allows the child's muscle to develop and function in an efficient manner.
The RotaHuggerTM is great for children who experience improper limb positioning resulting from a neurological condition (stroke, hemiplegia, cerebral palsy) or brachial plexus injury.
The HeroHugTM is designed to help children learn how to move intentionally and ultimately gain independence. This product seeks to limit movement of one body part in order to promote the movement of another. Once the demand and effort to control abdominal engagement and core stability decreases, the brain registers and modifies the movement response of the rest of the body. In other words, the HeroHugTM helps with neuroplasticity, triggering natural motor patterns that appropriately program the brain’s response. The HeroHugTM is an effective and efficient product for improving motor control and helping children generate movement in different parts of the body.
The HeroHugTM is perfect to work with children with developmental delays or who have suffered any condition resulting in lack of muscle control in the appropriate anatomical alignment.
Multifunctional Belt
The Multifunctional Belt is a leather black belt with 20 attachment points (10 on the top and 10 on the bottom).
It is used to ease the work for parents and therapists working with children that need to be lifted to learn functional mobility. This belt can be used with or without a Universal Exercise Unit.
This product is available in different sizes.
Other products:
Support Bananas for Universal Exercise Unit (UEU) - $35.00 per unit
Steel Carabiners - $6.00 per unit
UEU Bungee Cord - $35.00